Students At Dr. N.G.P. College Learns With Subpar Amenities And Low-Quality Infrastructure

Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology, engineering college in Coimbatore, provides engineering education without the essential infrastructure. The KMCH group in Coimbatore founded and now manages the institution. Student complaints claim that the school lacks the necessary labs and tools for practical learning. The Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology students must deal with subpar amenities and low-quality infrastructure every day.

Dr.N.G.P.College, Dr.N.G.P.College complaints, Dr.N.G.P. College Reviews
Dr.N.G.P. College Reviews

Even after numerous complaints, the college management refuses to fix or update the software and instead forces the students to continue learning using the outdated computers and software that are present in the labs. When students are unable to use the systems, management and staff may modify theory-based learning, which has a significant impact on the students' knowledge.

Engineers must gain a great deal of practical experience in order to develop their application-level skills, but because of the management's attitude at the Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology, the students struggle mightily to finish their engineering education with adequate instruction. Due to their dearth of experience, they are also not prepared for the field. As a result, it is challenging for Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology graduates to secure suitable employment after graduation. The institution's lack of appropriate placements exacerbates an already difficult circumstance.

Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology even lacks in offering proper internet connection. Even though the campus claims to be fully WIFI enabled, the students report that they have never been able to use internet offered by the college. The facilities in the auditoriums and seminar halls are also limited comparing to what they claim to have. The major issue of Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology is that even after all these complaints to the management about this lack of facilities, they still refuse to acknowledge and enhance the situation. Therefore, students planning to join this college to think and research well before taking the decision.

Even providing a reliable internet link is lacking at the Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology. Despite claims to the contrary, the students say they have never been able to access the college's internet service. In comparison to what they advertise having, the auditoriums' and seminar rooms' amenities are also subpar. The main problem at the Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology is that despite numerous management complaints about the dearth of facilities, they continue to ignore the issue and do nothing to improve it. Students who intend to enroll in this college should carefully consider their options before making a choice
